Category: Uncategorized

  • Here We Go

    Tomorrow at noon our second national four-year run of performative assholery officially begins. I say officially because, as anyone who has been awake for the last two months knows, the spiteful assholes have been out in full force since the election. Amurka is great again, let your hate flags fly. I am of two minds…

  • Heart And Soul

    Back when I worked maintenance in the government salt mines, if a piece of equipment or system malfunctioned, it was classified as an event. Most events were relatively minor, but they were still considered a bad thing, a data point that would show up in red on the morning spreadsheet, and require some form of…

  • Starting Over With A New Host

    I fucked up. Again. The company that was hosting my piddling little website jacked their prices way up, and I kept procrastinating about finding a new host. Long story short, I let my hosting contract expire and now I’m starting over. Again. I think this is the third time I have lost the entire blog.…